
PhD, Structural Engineering, September 2012
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA

MS, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, May 2008
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

MS, Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, June 2005
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

BS, Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, June 2003
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Academic Experience

Professor, July 2024–present
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

Associate Professor, July 2019–June 2024
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

Assistant Professor, August 2013–June 2019
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

Postdoctoral Fellow, August 2012–July 2013
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

Fellowships, Awards and Honors

Leadership and Service

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanics, 2021–present.
  • Editorial Board Member, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022–present.
  • Study Section Member, NIH Bioengineering, Technology, and Surgical Sciences (BTSS) Study Section, 10/2020; 02/2021; 06/2021; 10/2021; 02/2022; 06/2023; 02/2024
  • Chair, Isogeometric Analysis Technical Thrust Area Committee, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM), 07/2023–present.
  • Chair, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Fluid–Structure Interaction Technical Thrust Area Committee, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM), 07/2019–07/2021.
  • Chair, Technical Committee on Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction, Applied Mechanics Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 07/2016–07/2019.
  • Conference Organizer, 2022 USACM Thematic Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2022), Banff, Canada, 11/06–11/10/2022.
  • Conference OrganizerVirtual Isogeometric Analysis 2020 (VIGA 2020), August 11–12, 2020.
  • Scientific Committee Member, IX International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2021), Lyon, France, 09/26–09/29/2021.
  • Technical Program Committee Member16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM16), Chicago, Illinois, 07/25–07/29/2021.
  • International Scientific Committee Member, 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2021), Milan, Italy, 07/11–07/14/2021.
  • Scientific Committee MemberIX International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2021), South Sardinia, Italy, 06/13–06/16/2021.
  • Scientific Committee Member, the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV), Paris, France, 07/19–07/24/2020.
  • Scientific Committee Member, VII International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2019), Munich, Germany, 09/18–09/20/2019.
  • Scientific Committee Member, 2018 USACM Thematic Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2018), Austin, Texas, 10/10–10/12/2018.
  • International Scientific Committee Member, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018 (EMI 2018), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 05/29–06/01/2018. 
  • Scientific Committee Member, V International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2017), Pavia, Italy, 09/11–09/13/2017.
  • International Scientific Committee Member, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2017 (EMI 2017), San Diego, California, 06/04–06/07/2017. 
  • Scientific Committee Member, 2016 USACM Thematic Conference on Isogeometric Analysis and Meshfree Methods, La Jolla, California, 10/10–10/12/2016.


© Ming-Chen Hsu 2023