We have developed new tools for enhancing design for manufacturability by providing interactive feedback about the manufacturability of the design.
CleanabilityThis project involves analyzing a designed part for ease of cleaning after manufacturing. We developed a simplified cleaning process to model the effect of nozzle geometry and standoff distances in waterjet cleaning process. We then optimized the process parameters using GA. A report of the waterjet modeling and optimization can be found here. We also presented our results in the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Design Automation Conference, held at San Diego, August, 2009.
Additive ManufacturingOur design tools can be extended to identify difficult-to-manufacture features for additive manufacturing. |
Machine Learning & GPU Accelerated Web Tools for Manufacturing ProcessesThe focus is to develop intelligent tools and methods used by the designers and the manufacturing engineers to reduce the time taken in the process and improve the Product Life cycle. We develop interactive visualization and decision making tools that take advantage of general purpose computing on modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For more details, please click here |