Shockwaves in Laser-assisted
The shockwave in laser-assisted
manufacturing involves intense two-phase processes, and bears an extremely
high temperature gradient in space. It could last a relatively short
time, yet still has significant impact on the matter ablation process.
Our work in this area provides great insight into internal shock wave
structure across the plume-ambient gas interface, dual-mass penetration,
shockwave-induced spatial confinement, and additive manufacturing.
Representative publications:
Li, Kelsey Burney, Kevin Bergler, Xinwei Wang, 2014, "Structural
Evolution of Nanoparticles under Picosecond Stress Wave
Consolidation," Computational Materials Science, Vol. 95,
Chong Li, Jianmei
Wang, Xinwei Wang, 2014, "Shock Wave Confinement-induced Plume
Temperature Increase in Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy," Physics
Letters A,
Chong Li, Jingchao
Zhang, Xinwei Wang, 2013, "Phase Change and Stress Wave in Picosecond
Laser-material Interaction with Shock Wave Formation," Applied Physics
A, DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7770-8.
S. Gacek and X. Wang, 2009, "Plume Splitting
in Pico-second Laser-material Interaction under the Influence of Shock
Wave," Physics Letters A, Vol. 373, pp. 3342-3349.
S. Gacek and X. Wang, 2009,
"Dynamics Evolution of Shock Wave in Laser-material Interaction,"
Applied Physics A, Vol. 94, pp. 675-690.
L. Guo and X. Wang, 2008, “Effect
of Molecular Weight and Density of Ambient Gas on Shock Wave in
Laser-induced Surface Nanostructuring,” Journal of Physics D: Applied
Physics, Vol. 42, 015307.
S. Gacek and X. Wang, 2008,
"Secondary Shock Wave in Laser-material Interaction," Journal of Applied
Physics, Communications, Vol. 104, 126101.
X. Feng and
X. Wang, 2007, "Nanodomain Shock Wave in Near-field Laser-material
Interaction," Physics Letters A, Vol. 369, pp. 323–327.
L. Zhang and
X. Wang, 2008, "Dynamic Structure and Mass Penetration of Shock Wave in Picosecond Laser-Material Interaction," Japanese Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 47, pp. 964-968.