News in 2015

  • 10-22-2015: Creating a power source for unmanned micro underwater vehicles:
  • 8-28-2015: The ACS Nano podcast inverview for Dr.Claussen is available online:

  • 4-30-2015: Congrats to Shaowei and Allison as their paper "Increasing the Activity of Immobilized Enzymes with Nanoparticle Conjugation" is now accepted in Curr. Opin. Biotechnol.

  • 4-23-2015: Dr. Claussen gave an invited talk at SPIE DDS on graphene biosensors

  • 4-15-2015: Congrats to Shaowei and Allison for their work on the book chapter "Hybrid metallic nanoparticles: enhanced bioanalysis and biosensing via carbon nanotubes, graphene, and organic conjugation" published in Nanobiosensors and Nanobioanalyses.